Archive for the ‘Grad Student Gourmet’ Category

There’s one made-for-grad-student dessert that I cannot stay quiet about any longer. Jello! It’s not just for Bill Cosby. Jello is cheap, insultingly-simple to make, and can be easily customized (I chose canned fruit and blueberries). There’s nothing easier than mixing hot water into powerder and sticking it into a refrigerator For about three dollars, […]

For whatever reason, I’ve serendipitously stumbled on several “cooking for grad students” posts online and think it’s time for me to share them. I should specify what I mean by grad student gourmet. Graduate students are short on time and cash but have ample appetite and fastidiousness about their food. Not to mention, many graduate […]

Bucheron Cheese


I’ve found a wonderful new cheese for my salads. Chris (of UCSF) recommended putting crumbly cheese into my salads… so I went to the Cheese Board Collective (a wonderful cheese and bread wonderland that justifies the existence of high school cheese clubs) and they suggested this soft cheese called Bucheron (I also ordered a gorgonzola […]

My latest discovery: the easiest way to cut half of a pepper (a red pepper, at least) is using a pizza cutter! I’d been having trouble chopping through the skin with my kitchen knife, but lo and behold, the pizza cutter works exceptionally well.

One of the more difficult parts of cooking for one’s self is the economics of scale. Despite all of the idea of having a free capitalist economy where competition drives prices down and quality up, it makes sense for certain industries to be dominated by a small number of firms. For example, it’s typical for […]