Archive for the ‘Expatriate Life’ Category

This unfinished draft has been sitting in my blog directory for almost two years now. I think I’ll just leave it as-is and share it as a memory of my first week in the UK. I have similar scraps of paper recounting thoughts while I was on the plane to London, on the train from […]

Here are a few totally random snippits that I had hoped to incorporate in some posts. Enjoy! Anybody who has not already done so should play with arXiv Structure. It’s not perfect, but it does a very good job of creating a ‘web’ of interconnections between papers. It’s a great tool for skimming the literature […]

Race and ethnicity in the UK is something that I really wanted to write a proper blog post on. Unfortunately, at the end of the day, my experience was just too limited for me to say anything really meaningful. From the perspective of a Los Angelino, one of the most fascinating (and at times jarring) […]

I’m going to miss people referring to shops like “Woolies” or “Marks and Sparks.” The only shops here that have such widely-accepted nicknames are fast food joints: “Mickey-D’s” or “Jack-in-the-crack.” … though that last one might only exist for undergrads who have the late-midnight munchies. Perhaps what I’ll miss most are the pub names. Cheers […]

I’m finally back in the United States after being in the UK since 2006. I have plenty to write about returning to the US, but let me catch up with a few posts about my last days in the UK. Regular readers know my fascination of putting physics on food (gingerbread, pancakes, pies), so below […]

In less than one week I’ll be on a plane heading back home to Los Angeles for the first time since I left in September 2006… think happy thoughts as I’m flying from Heathrow Teminal 5. I’m looking forward to seeing old friends and rediscovering old stomping grounds as I soak up the California sun […]

Bon giorno! After a hectic last couple of weeks finishing up thesis writing and overseas shipping, I’m spending a bit of time at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics at Trieste. The view of the Adriatic Sea outside my window, complete with an engraved UN logo. It’s only slightly different from looking out […]

I received the following promotional image in my e-mail today, and couldn’t help but share: As part of `Brit Week‘ celebrations (commemorating 50 years of the British Consul General’s residence in Los Angeles) the British American Business Council has arranged a celebration of British culture in LA during the upcoming Los Angeles Galaxy footba… er, […]

I’ve been buried in writing for a while now, but this week there’s a lot of buzz about the Ogden Centre celebrating its fifth birthday. Here’s the blurb from the IPPP news page: A little over five years ago, the Prime Minister inaugurated the Ogden Centre for Fundamental Physics at Durham University. The Ogden Centre […]

According to the Daily Mail, a pack of black squirrels have invaded Cambridgeshire. This is especially amusing for me because black squirrels are a favourite curiosity among students at Stanford. It appears the little guys have followed me to the UK. The Daily Mail article calls the black squirrels a “mutation” of the grey squirrel […]