Archive for the ‘Physics’ Category

This is another post on my “farewell tour” (which will last until I can properly say farewell). I thought it was important to write one more literature guide since my QFT and SUSY guides seemed reasonably popular. For the first time since the deep inelastic experiments of the ’60s the high energy physics community is […]

Yeah, I’m supposed to have written my “goodbye” post by now… but things have been really busy. So instead, here’s a link to the PiTP 2008 lectures (recently released): Enjoy!

It seems like the powers-that-be at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center are considering changing the lab’s name. Besides reflecting the broader spectrum of science done at the lab since its 2005 reoganization, apparently there’s some issue with the DOE registering for ownership of the lab’s title. Stanford University, who operates the lab, objects to anyone […]

I’ve recently purchased a new MacBook and thought I’d share some set-up information. I borrow heavily from Professor Murayama’s OS X for Physicists, but have tried to focus on tidbits that have either been updated or aren’t covered there. Why Apple? Most physicists will have already noticed the rapid adoption of Apple technology in academia. […]

Consider the gauntlet thrown, Cambridge. In his new Cosmology text, Steven Weinberg twice misspelled the name of DAMTP professor Gary Gibbons as “Gary Gibbon,” effectively making a monkey of the accomplished general relativist. Innocent typo, or the latest manifestation of the deterioration of trans-Atlantic relations? Ok, ok. I guess I’m just getting reacquainted to the […]

I’d like to make a small commercial for an exciting event next year, the “Beyond Part III” conference in Cambridge. This will be an über-version of the topical Part III return conferences, inviting back CASM students from the past five years from all specialties. The current splash image on the Beyond Part III website… a […]

I’m finally back in the United States after being in the UK since 2006. I have plenty to write about returning to the US, but let me catch up with a few posts about my last days in the UK. Regular readers know my fascination of putting physics on food (gingerbread, pancakes, pies), so below […]

Today is a guest post from my officemate, Tracey Li, who is the organiser of the IPPP Neutrino Journal Club and is currently working on long baseline neutrino phenomenology. The post below is on the very interesting topic of why it isn’t possible to quantise weak eigenstates. A couple of weeks ago, in between drawing […]

[Today we have a guest post from my flatmate, Jo Benjamin. Jo is an MSc. student at Durham’s Centre for Particle Theory. His research project is on black holes in string theory. His post is about useful text for first year students who’d rather avoid slogging through worldsheet string theory.] The first time I met […]

I’ve been buried in writing for a while now, but this week there’s a lot of buzz about the Ogden Centre celebrating its fifth birthday. Here’s the blurb from the IPPP news page: A little over five years ago, the Prime Minister inaugurated the Ogden Centre for Fundamental Physics at Durham University. The Ogden Centre […]