Archive for May, 2008

In less than one week I’ll be on a plane heading back home to Los Angeles for the first time since I left in September 2006… think happy thoughts as I’m flying from Heathrow Teminal 5. I’m looking forward to seeing old friends and rediscovering old stomping grounds as I soak up the California sun […]

It’s common for departments to have a Friday ‘happy hour’ event as a chance to relax and socialise with colleagues. (The CMS in Cambridge recently began such a tradition this year.) Semi-recently, in an attempt to encourage more attendance, the organisers of one American university’s `Physics Beer’ politely proposed changing the events name to de-emphasise […]

It’s that time of year again: the last undergrads have left your office after asking for final exam regrades, your adviser is off to another continent for big conferences, and even the spring television line-up is wrapping up. Meanwhile, your officemates have gone off to various summer schools to mingle with other postgraduates and learn […]

Now here’s a good example of using youtube to rally public support for science funding. Here’s the blurb from the Silk FM myspace page, explaining how the local radio station stepped up in support of the Jodrell Bank telescope. When the Science and Technology Facilities Council announced plans to cut back the funding for Jodrell […]

A snippit from my research life, told through the medium of rewriting the text on a beloved comic strip. Original Calvin and Hobbes comic reproduced here, my apologies to the late Bill Watterson.

Today is a guest post from my officemate, Tracey Li, who is the organiser of the IPPP Neutrino Journal Club and is currently working on long baseline neutrino phenomenology. The post below is on the very interesting topic of why it isn’t possible to quantise weak eigenstates. A couple of weeks ago, in between drawing […]

Bon giorno! After a hectic last couple of weeks finishing up thesis writing and overseas shipping, I’m spending a bit of time at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics at Trieste. The view of the Adriatic Sea outside my window, complete with an engraved UN logo. It’s only slightly different from looking out […]

[Today we have a guest post from my flatmate, Jo Benjamin. Jo is an MSc. student at Durham’s Centre for Particle Theory. His research project is on black holes in string theory. His post is about useful text for first year students who’d rather avoid slogging through worldsheet string theory.] The first time I met […]

I received the following promotional image in my e-mail today, and couldn’t help but share: As part of `Brit Week‘ celebrations (commemorating 50 years of the British Consul General’s residence in Los Angeles) the British American Business Council has arranged a celebration of British culture in LA during the upcoming Los Angeles Galaxy footba… er, […]

Today’s snarky epiphany, while thesis-writing in the office: It was rather warm in the office even though the heater was turned down and the window was a bit open. After a brief conversation with my officemate, Luis, we decided that the heat came from the eight computers in the room. All this time I had […]